Sunday, May 20, 2007

to Pick another DoTs

it's been for months since the last posting
hmm how unproductive :(
well for another reason once again i come to Yogyakarta, the lovely city still.. though too crowded for me now.
but for one reason once again i try to pick a dot to continue making a fine line that i hope will complete a beautiful history of one life span.
and for what reason is it?...
it will always in challenge ofcourse, for sometimes.. this one and only goal be blurred by my own the wild the unstopable dreams. But i like to enjoy it. the conflicting feelings of id, ego and superego. That what keeps me living being.
i just hope that Alloh will continuosly show me the way...keep the warmth of the shining light so that i wont pick a dot in such a blurred atmosphere. 04.00 pm..another turning point awaits for me. whether another journey that will be quite different...quite challenging, or the same road..the same line i've been built up these last 3 years.
Oh my Lord...any choice..any kind of dots..any steps i'll take..U is the one that i need..U is the one that i seek..U is the reason for all. Please help me get through all of this with a bright smile in the heart..only for U

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